| <!-- -->Maggie Herms


A most fabulous self portrait of the site owner, Maggie

about me

My name is Maggie. As a Wisconsin-native, generally pronounced: 'may-gee' with an unnecessary 'y'. I completed my first Bachelor's degree in Psychology, graduating in 2019. After spending some time working in the field, I realized that psychology wasn't the career path for me. Thanks to the Covid-19 pandemic, I had ample time to explore other interests and hobbies of mine.

I started teaching myself to code through games like TwilioQuest and completing Udemy and Codecademy courses. I enjoyed the challenge and still found creativity in learning these new skills - that's how I knew this was the career field for me. Eventually, I decided to have someone else grade my work and went back to school for an applied computing degree. And so begins another career swap into tech!

Currently, I work as a Database Coordinator for Indiana University, dealing with the nuances of Undergraduate curriculum. In my free time, you can usually find me with a cup of coffee, working on personal projects, playing video games (see you in Azeroth), gardening, or anything else outdoors.